I am a
perfectionist. Honestly? I'm just fine with it. I managed to hide it well as a housewife and full-time stay at home mom, except I was, and still am, crazy about how the house looks, so maybe not so well hidden, but trust me that perfectionism is
nothing compared to when I'm in school.

I'm the girl who agonizes about missing just ONE SINGLE POINT. But that's fair! You get every single point EXCEPT one? Come on! My only two history papers have been like this and I've missed both of those one points for simple mistakes that I learned my Junior year of high school. Talk about frustrating. I have to redeem myself with this third paper due today otherwise I just don't know what I'm going to do. I have to, I just do.
I also missed just ONE POINT on my last State and Local Government Exam and that's driving me crazy too! I was so close to perfection.
So close. The funny thing is here, is that I took my first exam in my Political Science class and got a very high B, but that didn't drive me nearly as crazy.
Isn't it funny how the closer we get to getting things just right the more bothered we are by them not being
completely right? I think there might be a life lesson for me in this. Maybe.
I strive for perfection but, here's where it is, the Pslamist says it better than I could I suppose:
In your strength I can crush an army;
with my God I can scale any wall.
God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true.
He is a shield for all who look to him for protection.
For who is God except the Lord?
Who but our God is a solid rock?
Psalm 18:29-31
If I can manage to remind myself to focus on the Lord's perfection and less on my own, I might just do alright. Especially since my own perfection, will never happen. Even my looks are only close! I'm 22 with crow's feet for heaven's sake, excuse me
smile lines. That just means I smile and laugh at lot though, true story actually. And let's still be honest here, I make
smile lines look good, my future as a cougar looks promising. Anyway, back to the serious God stuff. This passage might just have been written specifically for me for this season in my life. Yep, I think so. (Okay okay... in context no not at all, but still, that just shows how well designed the Cannon of Scripture is. Good job God!)
I'm embracing my perfectionism when it comes to school though. If I harness it my grades are going to be amazing. And that my friends, is awesome.
So now I've pretty much admitted that I'm an incredibly boring, nerdy girl, but that's okay.
Boring girls aren't supposed to get into trouble right?
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